Group of ten refers to a group of advanced industrial countries that was formed in 1962 that agreed to make their financial resources available to the IMF. Today, the term is used as shorthand for the leading industrial countries and more specifically their currencies, which are the most widely traded. This G10 includes the US, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.
A group consisting of the finance ministers and central bank governors of the US, Japan, France, the UK, Italy, and Canada. The former G8 included Russia, but they were expelled after the invasion of Crimea.
The difference between the previous period’s closing price and the next opening price. Since the FX market runs 24 hours a day, prices only close on Friday. Thus gaps usually only occur between Friday and Monday, but can also occur when major news cause major variance in prices
The top 30 companies listed on the DAX.
Greenwich Mean Time. This time zone runs through Greenwich, England. GMT doesn’t change between seasons, despite London time changing.
Good ‘til cancelled. An order to buy or sell a currency with a fixed price or worse. The order is alive until it is manually executed or cancelled.
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