A broker-side system that lets investors invest with traders, and allows traders to manage investors’ funds using the broker’s platform
The surplus dollars held and invested by members of the oil producing countries.
Basic units used to measure the change in the exchange rate for a currency pair. Pips can be broken down into pipettes, decimals, or fractionals.
A collection of investments owned by an individual or financial institution. These can include stocks, bonds, futures, options, or real estate investments.
The net balance of outstanding purchases and sales held by a trader. This can refer to a trader’s net balance with a particular security or market, or in all the ones the trader is active in.
An investment bank that offers a wider range of services to the specific needs of large clients. Additionally, these companies can also raise funds and manage cash.
The initial amount of money invested.
Positive money gained for closing a position.
Creating profits by closing an existing position.
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+351 21 1452468
Lun - Sab: 9:00-19:00, Domenica: CHIUSI
Lun - Sab: 9:00-19:00,
Domenica: CHIUSI
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