A capitalization-weighted index of the shares of the 500 largest publicly traded companies on the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ. It is designed to be representative of the US’ industries, though there are non-US companies on it.
A capitalization-weighted index of the Australian Securities Exchange.
Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate
A trading style that consists of taking positions that are opened for extremely short windows with the aim of making quick, small profits.
The regulatory US agency charged with oversight of the US’ financial markets.
When falling prices create panic that leads to investors selling their holdings, further lowering prices and creating a self-reinforcing downward spiral.
Risk that one party in a transaction will not deliver its terms of contract at settlement.
Also known as a stock, a share represents a part ownership of a company, as well as the right to receive a portion of the company’s profits.
A single candle formation that signals potential for a trend reversal. It has a small body, little to now shadow, and a long upper shadow.
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